What is Iowa SHOUT?
Iowa SHOUT! highlights students’ Hawkeye spirit by showcasing the creativity of Student Organizations and Greek Life all across campus in a fun-filled talent show. Groups may demonstrate their talents via skits, dances, performances, etc., featuring as much Hawkeye pride as possible!
When & Where?
Iowa SHOUT! will take place on Thursday, October 24th, 2024 from 7:30-9:30 PM, on the east side of the Pentacrest (facing downtown Iowa City).
Registration for this year's event is now closed.
Contact the SHOUT Director, Jessica Alberhasky, at hoco-shout@uiowa.edu with any questions.
Team Requirements
Participant Eligibility
- All participating team members must be undergraduate students who are enrolled at least half-time at the University of Iowa, are in good academic standing, and must be active members of their hosting Student Organization/Greek Life.
Required Participants
- Teams must have at least 7 members performing when doing a dance routine. The maximum number of participants on stage at any time is 30. Participant names and ID numbers are required to be submitted in the registration form.
Performance Requirements
Performance Time
- Each performance can be up to 5 minutes in length. Teams will be given 1.5 minutes on each end of the performance to set up and tear down, for a maximum stage time of 8 minutes. The 5-minute performance timer begins at the first person’s movement or the first sound of music, whichever comes first. The 1.5-minute cooldown timer ends when the last person exits the stage.
- Backdrops are not permitted. Use props to extend the message of your costumes! Props should be easy to move on/off stage. Any props left on stage or backstage after the performance will result in a loss of points. Open flames, weapons (or objects that resemble weapons/firearms), hazardous materials, and flammable objects are strictly prohibited.
Special Equipment
- The Homecoming Council must approve all special effects equipment and/or props a minimum of 10 days before the show. Helium balloons, confetti, weapons, open fires, pyrotechnics (or any other “atmospheric effects”), and motor vehicles are strictly prohibited.
All costumes must be respectful and represent the University of Iowa and the Homecoming Council in a positive light. No backdrops will be permitted, so costumes should convey the theme of the performance.
Parents, grandparents, and University administrators will be attending this event. Be mindful. Keep these in mind when planning your group’s costumes
- No midriffs
- No excessive cleavage
- No spandex shorts (unless it is worn underneath a skirt/dress)
- Appropriate short & skirt length must be worn
Important note: The Homecoming Council will not be providing funding for costumes.
Conduct & Safety
Performances that use language that is sexually explicit, hateful, or discriminatory in nature will be disqualified. Indecent/obscene use of props and/or costumes, as well as jumping off the stage, will be subject to penalty and/or disqualification, depending on the severity of the violation. Skits must not reference drugs, alcohol, or sex.
There shall be no vulgarity, nudity, or profanity allowed during the show. This includes video and/or music used in a team’s performance, as well as gestures, language, costumes, and props. Violation of this rule may result in a penalty or automatic disqualification, at the discretion of the judging committee. If any team member is found to be grossly unsportsmanlike or causes a disruption to the show, that team will be automatically disqualified.
The Homecoming Council is not responsible for any props, equipment, or any other items left or misplaced at the site of the show. The University of Iowa and the Homecoming Council assume no responsibility for injuries that may occur before, during, or after the show.